Friday, January 8, 2010

No Reason to Elect GOP Politicians

On January 6th's Hardball, Chris Matthews said to Republican strategist Todd Harris: "Tell me what the Republican party has done for this country in the last ten to twenty years." (I'm assuming he was looking for a positive answer.)

Harris couldn't come up with an answer, in the end remaining silent.

Their top strategist can't come up with anything??!!! He's effectively telling the American people they have no reason to elect Republicans to office.

As responder "talkitreal" on Huff Post noted:

"If you owned a business, and the person you hired did nothing for an entire year - would you think they earned their paycheck? No! Would you keep them at their job, just so they could repeat doing nothing for another year? No!

Republicans need to be taught that when you have no policies, and you have no solutions for the problems America faces, and you spend your time in Congress doing nothing but trying to obstruct people who are trying to solve problems, then you do not deserve to keep your job. You have not earned your paycheck or its free health care, and you do not deserve another one paid for by the taxpayers!"

Doing nothing is just as bad as doing wrong...and Republicans lied us into Iraq, went wild with spending bills that exploded the there's plenty in the negative column...

...he can't come up with anything positive???!!!

Hmmmm.....I wonder what Chris would get out of a top strategist for the Dems?

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