Monday, August 23, 2010

Some Stats on Divorce in the US

I have always thought divorce to be the biggest threat to marriage, despite what conservative Christians say...

FACT: Every country today with gay marriage has a lower divorce rate than the USA, which leads me to believe the real threat to traditional marriage in this country is that couples will actually remain together if gay marriage is legalized. That's Belgium, Canada, the Netherlands, South Africa, and Spain...all with LOWER divorce rates than here....and a few of those have better health care systems as well! (So of course there's NOTHING we could possibly learn from them!)

36% of FIRST marriages today end in divorce in the US.

36%?! Over 50% of SECOND marriages end in divorce...and over 70% of THIRD marriages end in divorce! What happened to "'til death do us part"?

Well, I suppose a 36-70+% divorce rate is better than a high murder rate (that being the only other way to end a marriage and also fulfill "til death do us part" without waiting around for the targeted spouse to die).

Here's a little quiz:

Guess the US state with the LOWEST divorce rate.

Your first thought is somewhere in the Bible Belt, right? -Guess again! Conservative Christians are actually the MOST-LIKELY to divorce, and Bible Belt states have some of the HIGHEST divorce rates! As Christian denominations go, Baptists have the highest divorce rate (29%), followed by Protestants (25%), Mormons (24%), then Catholics and Lutherans (tied at 21% with Atheists, btw). Fundamentalist evangelical Christians not tied to any of the above denominations have a whopping 34% divorce rate! (Remember: these are the ones who are MOST AGAINST gay marriage rights!)

Midwest? -Nope.

Conservative mountain states? -Nope.

Southwest? -Guess again.

California??!!! -Oh, please!

The "uber-liberal" New England state of Massachusetts, which has been wedding same sex couples since 2004 has the LOWEST divorce rate in the entire USA. (Methinks those southern Bible-beaters ought to practice what they preach!)

Interesting, huh? Also interesting is numbers show states with gay marriage bans are those with high and INCREASING rates of divorce.

So, according to statistics, all those who want a strong marriage should move to Massachusetts; if Christian, should convert to Catholicism or Lutheranism - or become a Hindu. Hindus have a mere 5% divorce rate in the US. A Hindu in Massachusetts has an almost 0% chance of getting a divorce, while also having a family with significantly higher income and education levels than other groups.

(Data was collected from the Barna Research Group (an evangelical Christian organization), the Associated Press, and state census data.)

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